How is the temperature of concrete measured?

How is the Temperature of Concrete Measured?


To measure the temperature of fresh-mixed hydraulic-cement concrete, use a thermometer. This is a simple test and requires a small plug at the bottom. Thermocouple wire is cheap and thin, and can be inserted in different depths to determine the correct temperature. Thermocouple meter reads the concrete’s temperature and displays it on the dial.

Thermocouple wires are simple, cheap cables that can be inserted into concrete at various points. You can use a rag or sponge to wipe the pins of the thermometer in order to prevent contamination. The wires have two ends that you can insert into the concrete, which can be a convenient way to measure the temperature. Then, you just need to wait until the concrete has cured and stabilized before you perform a new test. Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures – Chapter ppt download

  • To avoid severe cracking, concrete must be monitored properly.
    • The maximum temperature of a concrete mass must not exceed a certain limit.
    • Typical temperatures are 80-95 degrees F, and this is acceptable for most projects.
    • However, some projects call for a secondary set of sensors to ensure the accuracy of the measurements.
    • If the primary one fails, the contractor is required to fix the temperature monitoring equipment.
    • If the project is not complete before the second set of sensors is installed, the contractor must remove the rejected concrete elements at their expense.

The accuracy of the method depends on the accuracy of the temperature sensor. When the temperature is too high, it can lead to severe cracks. Often, the difference between the hotter and cooler parts of an element is too large and causes the surface to crack. A concrete sample that has internal temperatures above the limits of the material can be extremely dangerous for people who live or work in it. For this reason, the thermometer must be accurate.

The temperature of concrete is a crucial aspect of construction. In addition to the size of the concrete, the thickness of the concrete will determine the temperature of the core. If the concrete is too thick, it will trap the heat and result in a lower-quality structure. In case of a large difference, the thickness of the elements will determine the temperature of the finished product. This is why the temperature of a concrete sample is important in a project.

The temperature of concrete is measured according to the ASTM C172 standard. The maximum temperature of concrete is ten degrees warmer than the temperature of ambient air. Usually, the concrete is poured during the day when it is warm. But night air is cooler than the daytime, causing a steep temperature gradient. Consequently, the temperature of the concrete is much higher at night than during the day. This gradient is the primary cause of early cracking in large concrete structures.

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